Make The Most Of Your Plumbing Projects

Make The Most Of Your Plumbing Projects

As you probably already know, getting your plumbing repaired can be expensive. If you would like to avoid this costly service in the future, it might be worthwhile to learn to solve plumbing problems yourself. Read on if you would like to become a plumbing expert and save money. Some repairs may require a professional. Some examples are Unclog Toilet, Bathtub and Shower Repair, Tankless Water Heaters, or Faucet Repair.

If you have noisy pipes, you can cushion them with a rubber blanket or add additional anchor straps. Banging pipes are usually caused by loose pipes, water hammering to a stop as you turn it off, or hot water pipes shifting in their position. All of these problems can be solved by cushioning and anchoring the pipes.

Check your gas water heater periodically to make sure the pilot flame is lit. The correct color for this flame should be blue. The tip of the flame should be yellow. If you only see a yellow flame, you may need to call a professional for safety reasons.

To keep things flowing smoothly through the drain of your bathtub, each month, you should feed it baking soda, one cup’s worth, with a cup of vinegar to chase it. The combination will cause a chemical reaction, so place a cloth or other object over the drain after pouring. After letting it sit for a few moments, clear the pipes out with a gallon of boiling water. This simple solution can break up clogs caused by everything from hair to soap scum.

Drain the sediment from the bottom of your water heater twice a year to keep the water heater working at its optimal levels. Open the drain valve and allow the water to run out into a bucket until the water runs clear. Then close the drain valve.

Avoid using harsh chemicals to clear clogged drains by purchasing a hand-held manual auger. A drain auger is a one-time purchase instead of purchasing a new bottle every time a drain is clogged. This is especially helpful for people who deal with clogged drains often, such as people with long hair or kids who like to drop things down the drain.

If you have drains in your house that has not been used for an extended period, pour one gallon of water through them to keep them functional. Furthermore, this will have the added benefit of reducing any odors from entering your house from lack of use during the year.

You do not have to turn the water on when you are putting things in the garbage disposal. It is a common misconception that running water simultaneously is a good idea, but that is not the case. Sending water and garbage through the disposal together can shorten its lifespan by encouraging more waste to stick to the moving parts.

Do a routine check around your house each month on every faucet to ensure no signs of leaks or drips. Over time, leaks can add a lot of money to your water bill and will worsen if you do not take care of the problem.

Teach kids how to shut off the toilet’s water supply. Kids are notorious for putting large wads of toilet paper and other things into the toilet, which inevitably leads to the toilet overflowing. Especially if your bathroom has carpet, show kids how to turn the water valve off if the toilet water keeps rising to prevent the mess of an overflow.

Knowing how to solve your plumbing problems is essential. You’ll be able to respond to problems quickly and avoid having to pay an expensive plumbing service to fix what you could have done yourself. Try applying these tips next time there’s a problem, and see if you can fix your plumbing.